Ruusu Open Mic #31 28.3.2021 – Remotely
Here in Finland March is the border between winter and spring, and just a few days a poerty rose is blossoming! Ruusu Open mic is here soon on our screens – join us, listen and admire!
All our open mic poets will meet at Zoom and the event will be streamed to Facebook event and Helsinki poetry Connection page at 17.00 PM (UTC+3). Follow the link:
As accustomed this Sunday stage poetry club starts with two invited warm up acts followed with the main event, that is the open mic itself. We have two poets to warm up the event: Yassen Ghaleeb & Venla Moisala!
You can join into open mic sending email to Elina: Just add headline Ruusu Open mic and your name. You will then get instructions to join via Zoom, and all you need is a computer or smartphone with a webcamera and microphone. We prefer joining live with The open mic slots are 4 min long each and they’re limited to 25. We are happy to welcome international performers, as this is an unique way to do poetry club globally.
Each performer will be carefully listened to and cheered on – especially, if it´s your first time! The open mic slots are 4 min long each and they’re limited to 25. Unfortunately we can’t give you the audience’s applause, so you will get them recorded.
Ruusu Open Mic is free from any discrimination. We don’t accept any racist or hateful content or behaviour. Our event adheres to Safer Space Guidelines found at Helsinki Poetry Connection´s website.
Producers: Tania Nathan and Elina Ortamo
Host: Tania Nathan
Poster: Lykantropia
A warm welcome!