Luukku 22: Tibetan librarian
She was caught
in the cellar
and brought
during the night stellar
into a place as cold and distant as her home
in snow they were to roam
they wanted to hurt her first
but ended up satisfying her hunger and thirst
she was too tender
and so avoided the offender
wrapped inside the blanket
breeze whistling outside the tent
reminded her nobody knew was she absent
”Could I write poetry, please?”
She asked but was required stories
inside the temple’s gates
but it wasn’t the worst fate
to have vegetables on your plate
and an enemy turned into a soul mate
in a place where you could meditate and contemplate
She told a story
of independence and glory
She told about a nation
enjoying free education
her words raining down like irrigation
In Tibetan language she had it printed and pressed
that the language and written word shouldn’t be oppressed